Thanks to a specific filtration medium, the system withholds fibres and larger materials allowing air pass through with its dust content.

The fiber pre-separator is ideal for long, fibrous waste and, in general, for high quantities of waste material from the production process.

Utmost attention to efficiency and economic sustainability are the basis of this technology.


  • Highly permeable
  • Specific filtering medium based on application
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Easy access thanks to inspection doors
  • Flexible operation (wide range of operating flow rates)
  • Unit continuously regenerated thanks to the pneumatic intake placed under the basket.
  • Contained process pressure fluctuations due to continuous cleaning
  • Recovery and reuse of airborne production waste
  • Economic management
  • Operating flexibility at different flow rates of technological air


The technology can be applied anywhere there are very coarse solid particles or long fibres to separate:

  • Textile industry
  • Differentiated collection